Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Residential Land Development

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Colin's Construction Blog: Building a House

Hi, there! My name is Colin. Last year, I finally completed some construction work on my home. For many years, I had been meaning to do lots of jobs around the place. I wanted to install a new bathroom downstairs. However, I had no idea how to do this so I avoided everything. My wife continued to complain about the lack of progress so I eventually contacted a team of contractors. A plumber, an electrician and a construction team visited my home and completed the work. As they did so, they taught me an awful lot about the best way to complete the job. I hope you find my blog useful.


Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Residential Land Development

18 August 2019
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Are you looking to boost the value of your vacant residential land before putting it up for sale? There are many different things you can do to achieve your goal, but developing the land is the ultimate answer. If done correctly, land development will not only increase the value of your land but also ensure it sells fast. 

Here's a look at some important tips you can use to get the most out of your land development.

Build, Build, Build…

When it comes to increasing the value of the raw land you want to sell, you can never go wrong with building the appropriate structures on it. The type of structure that you should build depends on the intended use of the land, which in turn is guided by the local land use laws.

If you own residential land in an area with existing houses, for example, building a house that is similar to those in the area is an excellent way to make the most out of your property sale. 

Improve the Kerb Appeal of Your Property

Kerb appeal also matters a lot when it comes to maximising the value of your residential real estate. The outdoor appearance of your property is what would-be buyers will see first, so it is imperative to create a good first impression of the property. 

There are lots of things you can do to boost the kerb appeal of your property. If you have decided to build structures on the property, give special attention to the exterior appearance of the structures. The structures should be built with style and aesthetics in mind. Make sure your building design blends in nicely with other features in your landscape.

When planning how to boost the kerb appeal of your property, also think about the design and style of the outdoor features, such as walkways, driveways and patios, which also contribute to the beauty of the property.

Planting trees is also a superb way to increase the value of your land, thanks to the economic and ecological value of trees.

Run Utilities

Domestic utilities such as electricity, telephone, municipal water and sewage systems are essential to make a residential property livable.

Without these essential utilities, you may struggle to attract buyers to your home listing. If you live in an area where these utilities are close by, take full advantage to get your property connected before your home listing.

Property buyers are drawn to properties that are already connected to basic utilities they will need to enjoy a comfortable life.

As already mentioned, there are lots of things you can do to maximise the value of your undeveloped residential land. Ultimately, what you can do depends on what is legal and what you can afford. Consider consulting a professional land developer before you embark on the project. They can assess your situation and help you make the most out of your land development.